A look back

Image Credit: divulgewithdani.blogspot.com

Wow, we have talked about homeschooling A LOT. Through my writing, I hope you have come away with three things:

1. Don’t judge people on their appearances. Seriously people, even if someone looks “nerdy,” does not mean that he is a lesser human being. In fact, unique people are often the ones worth getting to know. In several of my posts, I’ve tried to debunk myths about the stereotypical nerdy homeschooler. However, those “nerdy” homeschoolers are really great people and if you judge them on appearance, you’ll lose a great chance at getting to know some amazing people.

2. Homeschooling is a legitimate form of education. Homeschooling doesn’t offer all the same opportunities as public schooling (although it offers many of them), and that’s okay. Because of homeschooling, I have had the opportunities to travel all over the U.S. and to other countries. Because of homeschooling, Because of homeschooling, I love to explore and learn new things.

3. Try homeschooling on your  future children. Because of homeschooling, my family is the second most important thing in my life (Jesus takes the cake). Homeschooling is worth it just for this. Growing up with my siblings as best friends and learning from my parents’ life experiences taught me more valuable lessons than I could ever learn in 12 years of classroom lectures.

So, think about homeschooling. If you have kids, or plan to someday, start considering how you want to raise them. If you homeschool them, chances are they won’t turn out normal. They may just be unique, interesting, and intelligent. And that is vastly better than normal.

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1 Response to A look back

  1. kirkistan says:

    I’m convinced. Thanks for writing.

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